» FaaSO is an ALPHA QUALITY functions as a service system «

The FaaSO Command Line Interface

The FaaSO CLI is a tool that allows you to interact with the FaaSO platform from the command line. You can use the CLI to create, deploy, and manage your code.

Local Versus Remote

In some contexts, the CLI operates on your local machine. For example, if you want to create a new funko you will use the faaso new command to create a folder with code in it.

On the other hand, sometimes the CLI operates on a FaaSO server. For example, faaso login makes no sense locally. What server is used is defined by the FAASO_SERVER environment variable.

Finally, for some commands the CLI can operate both locally and remotely. For example faaso build can build a docker image in your own machine or in a remote server. In those cases the --local flag can be used to decide where the command should run.


You can get static binaries for the CLI from the releases page both for ARM and X86 architectures. You can also build it from source following the instructions in GitHub.

Once you have a binary, put it somewhere in your PATH and you are ready to go.


The CLI has no configuration except for a .faaso.yaml file which may contain credentials to access a server. This file is created by the faaso login command.

Also, the FAASO_SERVER environment variable is used when working with a server.


The CLI has the following commands:

For help on each one, run faaso help <command>. For example:

$ bin/faaso help status

FaaSO CLI tool, status command.

Prints a description of the current status for a funko and the instances
it's running.

  faaso status FUNKO...              [-v <level>] [-l]
  faaso status                       [-v <level>] [-l]

  -h --help        Show this screen
  -l --local       Run commands locally instead of against a FaaSO server
  -v level         Control the logging verbosity, 0 to 6 [default: 4]